Auto Maintenance

Should you take time to read the owners manual that comes with your car? The short answer is YES!

Understanding and following the manufacturer’s recommended maintenance schedule can save you a lot of time and potential costly repairs in the future.

The Car Care Council conducted a survey last year of nationwide car care inspections and found that 84% of vehicles checked failed at least 1 inspection item on the checklist. Here are some specifics of what the Car Care Council uncovered:

  • 25%of cars had low or dirty engine oil.
  • 13%had the check engine light on (YIKES!)
  • 18%had dirty air filters.
  • 17%had coolant issues
  • 17%needed new belts
  • 10% had improperly inflated tires with 14% of inspected vehicles showed significant tread wear and required new tires!

Review the complete results of the Car Care Council Survey here.

Ask any reputable auto mechanic and they will unanimously agree that the best way to keep your car running well is routine maintenance. Taking a little time today to review the manufacturer’s recommended maintenance is probably the easiest thing you can do to keep your car in top shape and save money on repairs down the road.

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